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Location: West Coast, Florida, United States

A reader and a writer. A dreamer and a doer.

Monday, June 01, 2009

I'm working on my next story today. It's a true story, one that spans 35 years of time. Here is the first draft of my prologue:

We sat on the deck for a long time, saying nothing, just letting the peace and quiet of the evening settle into our spirits. The Canadian geese arrived for their evening visit, quacking and splashing in the creek. Their shiny, green heads bobbed up and down and flitted around as they played. I watched them, mesmerized.

Out of the blue, she spoke. "There's something I never told you."

Startled out of my reverie, I looked over at her. I could tell by the sound of her voice that she was about so say something quite serious.

I didn't reply. What could I say? How could I respond to a statement like that? Didn't I already know everything about her of any importance? Didn't we already share old secrets and memories that nobody else knew about? What could she possibly have held back?

A cool breeze drifted over us like a chill omen and I shivered, waiting for her to continue. She was silent.

"Well, what is is that you've never told me? Is it a secret I don't know about?"

"Yes, that's exactly what it is. Nobody knows but me and two other people, and one of them is dead. But, I'm gonna tell you about it now. You have to swear to me that you will never, never tell anyone else."

"Okay, I promise."

Just like that, I promised. She had frightened me. What was she going to tell me? Had she and someone else murdered another person? Her voice was so cold, so dead, so ominous .... but I gave her my word, not knowing what I was promising. I gave it because of who she was - who we were together, knowing that I would keep my word - no matter what. Some things are just like that.

So, what do y'all think of the beginning? Would it make you want to read more?


Blogger Ken Blanken said...

Yes Joan, you certainly have me interested. can't wait for the rest of the story

1:56 PM  
Blogger Lyn McKee & Eric Carlson said...

exellent start - I would definately read more. You do have a talent.

7:10 AM  

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