Helen has her mother's face.
For those of you who know the ongoing saga of Helen, you will be glad to hear that SHE IS COMING!!!!! For those of you who don't know, I'll fill you in on the details when I have more time.
Dave and Dawn just called me from NYC. They had just left the courthouse and were grabbing a quick bite before going to the airport.
Today, Helen's father conceded that he can't take care of his child, and that he doesn't object to Dave and Dawn being granted legal guardianship of her. They spent almost an hour talking with him privately, assuring him that they didn't intend to keep him out of her life, they just wanted the opportunity and authority to parent her and give her the home she needs. After a year of waffling, he seems to understand that they are sincere, and not interested in turning her against her daddy. They have a good track record at this, and he realizes that.
The judge was ready to have Helen's bags packed, ask Dave and Dawn to stay another night while he finalized all the necessary papers, and send her home with them tomorrow. But the father's lawyer wanted to wait, and the judge adjudicated that she will come to visit for one month, a month from now. At the end of that month's time, there will be final court hearing which will (hopefully - please God) give them guardianship. So, she may very well be coming here and STAYING!!!!!!! The "system" may, or may not, require, that Helen be present in NYC at the time of that hearing. If so, Dave and Dawn will travel there with her. If not, their attorney will represent them and they will go about their daily routines with Helen and their other child.
Helen's poor mother has been gone for over a year, now, and her father is still losing his battle against addiction and all that goes along with it. He is still in and out of homeless shelters, he doesn't often show up to visit his daughter, and he is not following through with his state-funded treatment programs. Today, the court adjudicated him guilty of child neglect.
We are truly, honestly sorry that this man is so lost, but there is nothing our family can do about that. What we can do is give Helen a home and an extended family that will give her a home with a stay-at-home mother, love her, support her and raise her with healthy self-esteem and healthy respect for all others.
She will have her grandmother's spiritual influence, Dawn's continual presence and care, and David's special brand of discipline - drowned in love and respect - just as he has given John all these years. And, of course, two aunts living close by to back up the family program and - last but not least - me, who can visit from time to time and spoil her without ruining her character! Yay!!!!! My part is the most fun!
I'm getting a new niece! Yay!!!!!!!!