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Location: West Coast, Florida, United States

A reader and a writer. A dreamer and a doer.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Another thing I am doing to "go green" is use racks to dry my laundry.  I found a great rack online called the "butterfly rack."  It opens up like this:

Here it is, holding a load of freshly washed cleaning rags:

Here are both of my racks, holding two full loads of laundry:

When they are folded up, I stand them beside the kitchen door and use them to dry out kitchen towels and my reusable grocery bags.  (Yes, those are real Dutch wooden shoes on the floor - I wear them when I go in the back yard, because they are great for walking on the gravel.  They are also good when the yard is flooded (which happens often) because they keep my feet high and dry.


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