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Location: West Coast, Florida, United States

A reader and a writer. A dreamer and a doer.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Can't sleep tonight. It's been like this for days. Seems like my allergy symptoms go into overdrive when I am in my house. That is so weird, because I have high-tech, expensive, air cleaner units all over the place, I keep my place super clean, but still, the symptoms lessen when I leave home. I'm getting really worried that I'm allergic to my dog. Honestly, I've had this suspicion for a long time, but just don't want to face it. Guess I would rather suffer like this than not have my little buddy around.

Oh, dear, what do I do??????

I can't breath well enough to lay down on my bed, I am sneezing constantly and blowing my nose all the time. There are mounds of used tissues in every waste can in the house.



Blogger Nina Warrior said...

Say it ain't so puppy, say it ain't so!?

Maybe you should keep him in an air-tight bubble, so you could still play with him and stuff, but you wouldn't get alergicmified by him :)

Seriously though, I hope you start feeling better. Allergies aren't fun :(

4:22 AM  

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