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Location: West Coast, Florida, United States

A reader and a writer. A dreamer and a doer.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

After clearing out that storage unit on the weekend, I have been working at sorting through lots of stuff that has just been sitting there for years. This afternoon I have been purging boxes of old papers. I have every tax return I filed since coming to Florida almost 20 years ago, along with every scrap of paper I might need to verify any of the things I claimed on those returns.

The first ten years' of returns fit into two, slim manilla file folders. Then I started the business, and each year the file got bigger.

A couple years, my stupid government passed a law that required me to form a corporation in order to exempt myself (a sole proprietor) from exempting myself from buying workers compensation insurance for myself. That means a LOT more paper, as well as yearly filing fees, yearly reporting fees, and paying an accountant about $750.00 each year to file corporate tax returns for me. I always did my own tax returns, and they were pretty simple, but now there is no way I could do this myself. STUPID GOVERNMENT!

Now, I can only fit two years' worth of paperwork in a large file storage box.

I called my accountant and asked how many years of this stuff I need to keep. He said that the IRS can't go back more than three years, if they audit me. So, I can shred two big boxes of paperwork - that's about 25 pounds of paper! My accountant said that I can drop the boxes off with him, and when their commercial shredder company comes next time, I can have it shredded for free. That will save my little home shredder a lot of wear and tear.

There is always something .... some mindless task to take up my time, when I would rather be reading, writing, canoeing, hiking, brushing Rocco or daydreaming.

But, if I don't do this, I will have to drag around 25 extra pounds of paper with me, wherever I go.


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