I'm getting increasingly nervous with what's happening in D.C. The government is sticking its nose further and further into industry. What happened to the basic principle of capitalism, one of the underlying principles of this country? It's like one bunch of idiots wiping the butts of another bunch of idiots! (oh, dear, you just pooped! don't worry, we'll wipe your arse.) The biggest beef I have is that they are using my "paper" to clean up with, and I don't even think anyone should be wiping up the mess. This bailout frenzy is terrifying.
Before we know it, we will find ourselves under tighter and tighter government regulation. The next step will be China stepping in, since it has lent so much money to the States, and trying to exert some sort of control over us. Whenever there aren't enough tax dollars ("paper") to wipe up with, our stupid government just borrows more from China. This is crazy!
I'm really worried about the road we are travelling on. It scares me. Today, I bought a two-year membership to the NRA. I want to make sure that organization has the funds it needs to work towards protecting individual rights. The right to keep and bear arms is intrinsic in our constitution, but there are many seeking to eradicate that. If they succeed, the path will be much smoother to eradicate other individual rights, such as freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and the right to gather.
It all boils down to liberty - to freedom. These basic rights are in danger of being eroded, and no good can come of that.
Freedom isn't free. It comes at a great price. Individual Americans have been living as if they are kings and queens, using credit to buy things they can't afford, assuming they have rights to all these luxuries. Private industry has been enabling this and getting fat in the process. Now, the house of cards is collapsing. Together, individuals and corporations have brought our economy to a desperate state. Now is the time for us to pay for our mistakes, not ask someone else to bail us out of the consequences!
Obama is preaching the gospel of health care reform. Spending more money to shore up a system that is flawed at its core is not change we can afford.
Obama is just as stupid as Bush was. Both of them disgust me.
Before we know it, we will find ourselves under tighter and tighter government regulation. The next step will be China stepping in, since it has lent so much money to the States, and trying to exert some sort of control over us. Whenever there aren't enough tax dollars ("paper") to wipe up with, our stupid government just borrows more from China. This is crazy!
I'm really worried about the road we are travelling on. It scares me. Today, I bought a two-year membership to the NRA. I want to make sure that organization has the funds it needs to work towards protecting individual rights. The right to keep and bear arms is intrinsic in our constitution, but there are many seeking to eradicate that. If they succeed, the path will be much smoother to eradicate other individual rights, such as freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and the right to gather.
It all boils down to liberty - to freedom. These basic rights are in danger of being eroded, and no good can come of that.
Freedom isn't free. It comes at a great price. Individual Americans have been living as if they are kings and queens, using credit to buy things they can't afford, assuming they have rights to all these luxuries. Private industry has been enabling this and getting fat in the process. Now, the house of cards is collapsing. Together, individuals and corporations have brought our economy to a desperate state. Now is the time for us to pay for our mistakes, not ask someone else to bail us out of the consequences!
Obama is preaching the gospel of health care reform. Spending more money to shore up a system that is flawed at its core is not change we can afford.
Obama is just as stupid as Bush was. Both of them disgust me.
Really good post, and I agree whole-heartedly. Stop trying to shore up companies that have proven they can't manage themselves! Provide money to citizens, so that they can drive the economy in the direction it should go.
This is the perfect time to cut taxes, provide boosters, throw cash at the citizens of the country and allow them to engage the economy. Any businesses that go bankrupt will be because of their inability to make money!
Anywho, the other interesting thing is how quickly you got off the Obama wagon. You lasted a few months with Bush before you got upset, but Obama hasn't even lasted that long ;)
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