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Location: West Coast, Florida, United States

A reader and a writer. A dreamer and a doer.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

It's unbelievable, the way Michael Jackson's sudden death has taken over every facet of the news media, almost as completely as the September 11th tragedy took it over.

He was just one man - a musical talent, according to some, although I have never appreciated pop music. But he was a man with deep-seated psychological problems and personal torments. Not someone our children should look up to as an example.

This media frenzy is completely inappropriate. There is REAL news going on in the world right now, but I can't find out about it, because our stupid media has been taken over by "Michaelmania."

Give me a bloody break!

What about the atrocities in Iran? Darfur? Sudan? What about the millions of displaced refugees, suffering and starving, scores of them dying every day? What about all the orphans in the world, languishing in substandard facilities without proper sanitation or food? What about Obama's plans and actions regarding the economy, health care and foreign relations? What about the horrifying concentration of toxic plastic collecting in our oceans? What about the progress being made in the promotion of renewable energy? What about the Fourth of July coming up, in celebration and support of liberty and freedom, here and all over the world?

Every human life is important and precious, Michael Jackson's included. But his was no more precious than any other, and this media blitz is totally ridiculous.


Blogger said...

Thank you for saying that. It's a shame he died so young but watching the people weep and wail over him just makes me pity ... them, for being so stupid and not caring about something that *really* matters.

6:46 AM  

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