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Location: West Coast, Florida, United States

A reader and a writer. A dreamer and a doer.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Watching the "Obama Express" train on TV as it rolls from Pennsylvania to Washington, D.C. I keep switching back and forth between a movie and this news coverage of Obama's train ride.

The people in the crowds along the train's route are exuberant and full of joy. It's wonderful to watch. Their optimism is contagious.

Obama is definitely a CHANGE. I'm thrilled to finally see someone of African descent in the president's office. It's about time!!! This brings much-needed balance to our country.

As much as I like the guy, his policies terrify me. If he doesn't drop his liberal "let's spend money we don't have" attitude, he will only drag us further down into economic destruction.

Nobody - not the liberals, not the conservatives, not the religious right and not even the so-called "impartial commentators" are willing to address the underlying issue here. The billions of dollars the American government wants to use to bail out troubled industry are coming straight from China - the Communist seat of the world.

Before the election, I asked an Obama supporter why he was voting for Obama. He responded "Because of what he's offering - better education, social health care and less dependence on oil." I looked at this man, a big, strong guy, and thought "big man, small brain." I asked him where he thought the money would come from to fulfill those promises. He told me that if Obama takes our troops out of Iraq, we will have 80-odd billion dollars available. I said that would only mean 80 billion dollars less we would owe to China. He didn't understand what I was saying. That man is a classic example of someone who listens to public media and progoganda, without bothering to search out the truth for themselves.

Obama is not OFFERING anything. He made the usual, hopeful campaign statements and stupid people fell for his schtick. There is no money to do those things.

Nevertheless, Obama is probably a better choice than any of the other dummies who were trying to get elected. McCain was just a "Bush baby" and the others didn't have enough political clout to get anything done.

The Democrats, under Clinton, had eight years of power. During their tenure, the underpinnings of our economy were whittled away while they were goofing off.

The Republicans, under G.W. Bush, had eight years of power. They - and their oil drilling buddies - took advantage of the weakened structure Clinton left us, and buried us while they grew richer and fatter.

We really need more choices in our political system. This two-party system is just not working.


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